Singles Results   Top

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RdwRklRkScoreDRW: A%1stIn1st%2nd%BPSvdL: A%1stIn1st%2nd%BPSvdTime
F444(3)Adam Feeney [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1144(WC)Miles Armstrong [AUS] [yr | ev]6-3 6-3
SF1144(WC)Miles Armstrong [AUS] [yr | ev]d.580(6)Phil Stolt [USA] [yr | ev]7-6(5) 6-2
SF444(3)Adam Feeney [AUS] [yr | ev]d.282(2)Luke Bourgeois [AUS] [yr | ev]6-3 6-2
QF1144(WC)Miles Armstrong [AUS] [yr | ev]d.241(1)Alun Jones [AUS] [yr | ev]4-6 6-3 6-4
QF580(6)Phil Stolt [USA] [yr | ev]d.445(4)Shannon Nettle [AUS] [yr | ev]7-6(4) 7-6(7)
QF444(3)Adam Feeney [AUS] [yr | ev]d.764Andrew Kennaugh [GBR] [yr | ev]6-2 6-0
QF282(2)Luke Bourgeois [AUS] [yr | ev]d.(Q)Lachlan Reed [AUS] [yr | ev]6-1 6-3
R16241(1)Alun Jones [AUS] [yr | ev]d.(WC)Greg Jones [AUS] [yr | ev]6-2 6-3
R161144(WC)Miles Armstrong [AUS] [yr | ev]d.602(7)Yuri Bezeruk [AUS] [yr | ev]6-3 6-2
R16445(4)Shannon Nettle [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1004Andrew Roberts [AUS] [yr | ev]6-3 6-0
R16580(6)Phil Stolt [USA] [yr | ev]d.1438(LL)Marcus Walker [AUS] [yr | ev]6-2 7-5
R16764Andrew Kennaugh [GBR] [yr | ev]d.499(5)Andrew Coelho [AUS] [yr | ev]1-6 6-3 6-4
R16444(3)Adam Feeney [AUS] [yr | ev]d.804Chris Eaton [GBR] [yr | ev]6-4 6-4
R16(Q)Lachlan Reed [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1323(Q)Stephen Donald [AUS] [yr | ev]6-2 6-2
R16282(2)Luke Bourgeois [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1438(WC)Joel Lindner [AUS] [yr | ev]5-7 6-4 6-3
R32241(1)Alun Jones [AUS] [yr | ev]d.(Q)Edward Corrie [GBR] [yr | ev]6-2 6-2
R32(WC)Greg Jones [AUS] [yr | ev]d.918Dane Fernandez [AUS] [yr | ev]6-1 6-2
R321144(WC)Miles Armstrong [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1144(WC)Colin Ebelthite [AUS] [yr | ev]3-6 7-6(8) 6-4
R32602(7)Yuri Bezeruk [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1438(Q)David Jeflea [AUS] [yr | ev]7-6(4) 6-1
R32445(4)Shannon Nettle [AUS] [yr | ev]d.704Marinko Matosevic [AUS] [yr | ev]6-4 6-1
R321004Andrew Roberts [AUS] [yr | ev]d.(Q)Jared Easton [AUS] [yr | ev]6-4 6-3
R321438(LL)Marcus Walker [AUS] [yr | ev]d.879David To [AUS] [yr | ev]6-4 6-1
R32580(6)Phil Stolt [USA] [yr | ev]d.1554(Q)Todd Ley [AUS] [yr | ev]6-7(5) 6-3 6-2
R32499(5)Andrew Coelho [AUS] [yr | ev]d.(Q)Haydn Lewis [BAR] [yr | ev]6-2 6-4
R32764Andrew Kennaugh [GBR] [yr | ev]d.807Jose Rubin Statham [NZL] [yr | ev]4-6 6-4 6-3
R32804Chris Eaton [GBR] [yr | ev]d.828Myles Blake [GBR] [yr | ev]6-3 6-3
R32444(3)Adam Feeney [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1438(Q)Joshua Crowe [AUS] [yr | ev]3-6 6-0 6-3
R32(Q)Lachlan Reed [AUS] [yr | ev]d.645(8)James Cerretani [USA] [yr | ev]7-5 6-3
R321323(Q)Stephen Donald [AUS] [yr | ev]d.943Matthew Ebden [AUS] [yr | ev]6-2 6-3
R321438(WC)Joel Lindner [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1094Henry So [HKG] [yr | ev]6-4 6-3
R32282(2)Luke Bourgeois [AUS] [yr | ev]d.1438(LL)Eric Hechtman [USA] [yr | ev]6-4 6-3


Seed Outcomes   Top

1241Alun Jones2 wins; QF loss to Armstrong    5499Andrew Coelho1 win; R16 loss to Kennaugh
2282Luke Bourgeois3 wins; SF loss to Feeney    6580Phil Stolt3 wins; SF loss to Armstrong
3444Adam FeeneyChampion    7602Yuri Bezeruk1 win; R16 loss to Armstrong
4445Shannon Nettle2 wins; QF loss to Stolt    8645James CerretaniR32 loss to Reed
Qualifiers (8): Edward Corrie (R32), Joshua Crowe (R32), Stephen Donald (R16), Jared Easton (R32), David Jeflea (R32), Haydn Lewis (R32), Todd Ley (R32), Lachlan Reed (QF)

Lucky Losers (2): Eric Hechtman (R32), Marcus Walker (R16)

Wild Cards (4): Miles Armstrong (F), Colin Ebelthite (R32), Greg Jones (R16), Joel Lindner (R16)


Also This Week   Top

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25-Sep-2006MumbaiHardF(4)Dmitry Tursunov [RUS]d.(3)Tomas Berdych [CZE]6-3 4-6 7-6(5)2:45
25-Sep-2006Bratislava ChallengerClayF(4)Ivan Navarro [ESP]d.Teodor Dacian Craciun [ROU]6-2 7-6(4)
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25-Sep-2006Tulsa ChallengerHardF(5)Bobby Reynolds [USA]d.(4)Michael Russell [USA]7-6(3) 6-3
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25-Sep-2006France F15CarpetFClinton Thomson [GER]d.(WC)Julien Mathieu [FRA]5-7 7-6(1) 7-5
25-Sep-2006Great Britain F14HardF(2)Jamie Baker [GBR]d.(4)Jonathan Marray [GBR]6-1 6-1
25-Sep-2006Italy F33ClayF(3)Daniele Giorgini [ITA]d.(4)Jordane Doble [FRA]6-3 6-2
25-Sep-2006Mexico F15ClayF(7)Sven Swinnen [SUI]d.(1/WC)Miguel Gallardo Valles [MEX]7-5 4-6 7-6(2)
25-Sep-2006Spain F31HardF(PR)Tomislav Peric [CRO]d.(2)Tony Holzinger [GER]6-3 6-2
25-Sep-2006Sweden F6HardF(1)Marcus Sarstrand [SWE]d.(6)Rickard Holmstrom [SWE]7-6(5) 7-6(3)
25-Sep-2006Uganda F1ClayF(1)Adam Vejmelka [CZE]d.(3)Bogdan Leonte [ROU]7-5 6-1
25-Sep-2006USA F24HardFFred Hemmes [NED]d.Ryler Deheart [USA]6-4 6-4
25-Sep-2006Venezuela F4ClayF(3)Carlos Avellan [ECU]d.(4)Julio Cesar Campozano [ECU]6-1 6-0


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