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In the professional game, double faults are quite rare. They sometimes reflect a momentary lapse in concentration, and can negatively impact a server’s confidence. Players are sometimes particularly careful after losing a point to a double fault, taking some speed off their next delivery, or aiming closer to the middle of the box.
Let’s dig into some data from last year’s grand slams to see what players do–and how it affects their results–immediately after double faults. IBM’s Slamtracker provided point-by-point data for most 2017 grand slam singles matches, including serve speed and direction, and the available matches give us about 5,000 double faults to work with. (I’ve organized the data and made it freely available here.)
For each server in each match, I’ve tallied their results on points immediately following double faults. (That means that we exclude after-double-fault points when the double fault ended the game.) Then, for each player, I compared those results with match-long averages. Because double faults are so unusual, and because we only have this data for the majors, the sample isn’t adequate to tell us much about individual players. But for tour-wide analyses, it’s more than enough.
Serve points won: As we’ll see in a moment, men and women have different overall tendencies on the point following a double fault. But by the most important measure of simply winning the next point, gender plays little part. Men, who in this sample win 65.1% of service points, fall just over one percentage point to 64.0% on the point following a double fault. Women, who average 57.8% of service points won, drop even more, to 56.1% after a double.
First serve percentage: I expected that servers become more conservative immediately after a double fault. For women, that hypothesis is correct: In these matches, they land 63.3% of their first serves, while after a double fault, that number jumps to 65.4%. On the other hand, men don’t seem to change their approach very much. On average, they make 62.3% of their first offerings, a number that barely changes, to 62.5%, after double faults.
First serve points won: Here is additional evidence that women become more conservative after double faults, while men do not. In general, women win 63.7% of their first serve points, but just after a double fault, that number drops to 62.9%. For men, there is a decrease in first serve points won, but it is almost as small as their difference in first serve percentage: 72.7% overall, 72.4% after a double fault.
First serve speed: With serve speed, we run into a limitation of the Slamtracker data, which gives us speed only for those serves that go in. So when we look at the average speed of first serves, we’re excluding attempts that miss the box. Even with that caveat, the data keeps pointing in the same direction. Contrary to my “conservative” hypothesis, men serve a bit faster than usual after a double fault–183.3 km/h following doubles, versus 182.8 km/h in general. Women do seem to change their tactics, dropping from an average speed of 155.5 km/h to a post-double-fault pace of 152.2 km/h.
First serve direction: Slamtracker divides serve direction into five categories: wide, body-wide, body, body-center, and center. After a double fault, men are less likely than usual to hit a wide serve (24.1% to 25.8%), and those serves get split roughly evenly between the body and center categories. The difference in body serves is most striking: They account for only 3.5% of first serves overall, but 4.4% of post-double first serves. This may be the one way in which men opt for the conservative path, by maintaining speed but giving themselves a wider margin of error.
Women move many of their after-double-fault serves toward the middle of the box. On average, over 44% of serves are classified as either “wide” or “center,” but immediately after a double fault, that number drops below 41%. It’s not a huge difference, but like all of the other tendencies we’ve seen in the women’s game, it suggests that for many players, caution creeps in immediately after missing a second serve.
As usual, it’s difficult to move from these sorts of findings to any sort of tactical advice. Even the first data point, that both men and women win fewer service points than usual right after they’ve double faulted, can be interpreted in multiple ways. By one reading, players may be serving too conservatively, missing out of the benefits of big first serves. On the other hand, if confidence is an issue, perhaps serving more aggressively would just result in more misses.
When in doubt, we have to trust that the players and coaches know what they’re doing–they’ve honed these tradeoffs through decades of experience and thousands of hours of match play. For fans, these numbers add to our understanding of the conclusions that players have reached. For the pros, perhaps a more detailed look at what happens after a double fault would help tweak their own strategies, both bouncing back from their own double faults and taking advantage of the lapses in concentration of their opponents.